
Implementing a Successful Artificial Intelligence Strategy in your Organization

  • Antonio Lizano
  • Jan 2024

A successful AI strategy fundamentally requires just three elements: thinking big, starting small, and scaling rapidly. Many companies falter at this stage, allowing technology to lead rather than utilizing AI to address specific business challenges. Consequently, AI strategies become outdated even before implementation due to the rush to initiate them swiftly.


Ways to Enhance Your International Marketing Strategy

  • Antonio Lizano
  • July 2019

International marketing can no longer be ignored by any business, whether large or small. While global marketing is considered to be the process of adjusting a company’s marketing strategies so they adapt to the conditions of other countries, the process entails more than just selling products and services on the international arena.


Product Lifecycle Strategy - Crucial Strategies at Every Stage of a Product’s Lifecycle

  • Antonio Lizano
  • August 2019

There are four distinct stages of a product’s lifecycle, i.e., introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Each stage is associated with changes in the marketing position of a product. A sound product lifecycle strategy is vital in guaranteeing a prolonged lifecycle of your products or services.


Augmented Reality Strategy: Why Brands Need to Embrace It

  • Antonio Lizano
  • September 2019

Augmented reality seems to be the current buzzword of immersive computing generation following the mobile waves that have existed for about two decades now. No doubt AR has got more sway today because of the many benefits and impact it has on brands thanks to three main reasons.